I want to express my gratitude to all these people (and to many others whose testimonies are not here) for his words of support, for your confidence, for all that I have learned over the years with them.
The work that I do is the result of my own personal experience with the Rebirthing, Renaissance or, also called “CONSCIOUS CONNECTED BREATHING“. I know that it is good because it worked with me, but it has also been good for others.
These testimonies confirming so click here.
Thank you
I very much enjoyed this course, It amazes me how you can control the emotions and the power the power of thought when it comes to playing them. I think that many problems of current people, It is in these uncontrolled and dominating emotions, It's a shame that this does not reach everyone! It would change people's lives, "with a tool as cheap and affordable as it is breathing"
Margarita Hdez. The power of breath, 29.1.2012
It has been very liberating break my prejudices towards what I thought perhaps was going to be one technique of many that I have tried and have left me with a sense of indifference.
I was surprised very much what I felt and check that I don't already feel fear "losing control". I feel joy. Thank you!!!!!
Maria Perez Cerda. The power of breath, 29.1.2012
I wonder, as with the evidence that I've had and is still manifest, It is possible that it still be wary or feel fear or even a second in my life.
Eva Darias. The power of breath, 29.1.2012
It has meant learning that breath is not only catch and release air.
I've learned that breathing is power control and my improvement as a person every day and with mine.
Agustin Acevedo. The power of breath, 4-12-2011
Testimony of Jhonatan David - may of 2010
Click here to read the testimony
After the seminar of AE I am amazed with myself; at first distrusted, then I got a little scared, but I'm assuming it: your seminar has changed my way of understanding life; It has at least opened up a new path. I feel happy, very quiet on the day to day with other eyes to see the world. My children (7 and 8 years) they are ballpark. When they arrived home after the seminar I was asked that that was what was the course: It occurred to me to answer them was a “course to learn how to be a better MOM”. Now that it has been some days sometimes tell me that besides being wonderful I am magical. My friends have noticed that finally “I return to smile” and know that something to changed even though they do not know well what is.
By the way, you have already met me several things of the rug and how!
I am aware that I have much to learn, but I just wanted to thank you for having shown this new way. I am already aware of Zentro program, because since I can I will see out there from time to time. Once again, Thank you, Thank you, a million thanks.
This workshop has been a special gift to my soul, where was the key the delivery and sharing. Nativity will yield from its being deep, butt, authentic to the trancas, It is a flow of life and energy example of what manifests.
The / informants were a pineapple, accomplices of the wonderful day of deep personal work for every one of us / as. Shone the respect and acceptance, We let ourselves be us / themselves / as and welcome us in the same way.
At the end of the workshop I have brought much, much more than I expected. THANKS TO MY COLLEAGUES OF ADVENTURE ON THIS GORGEOUS DAY!!.”
Feb 2009 – Law of attraction
I wanted to thank you again for the workshop, It has been us Pearl. Thank you. We are much more responsive with the other one. We breathe different. Last night we meditate together…..is not great?
Law of attraction - Aug 09
I have already participated in this beautiful work on two occasions (This will be the third), and the truth is that I never tire of it. Whenever I've done I've felt something change inside me, in the absence of other better word will tell you it's magic. This meeting is an opportunity to start to create your life as you want it to be, and to do so in loving ways, easy and fun.
C. C.
Law of attraction - Mayo 2009
Not stopping to give me has the healing that has been the weekend.
I wanted to thank you for your presence, your support and feedback. There were many details and do not want to go into them. I tell also tells why he has been so powerful. One thing is that I have allowed me to him and thank him for me deeply. The other is that have surrounded me most committed in my life people with consciousness, sincerity and love. What happy makes me this! That such amazing teachers have gotten me to my side! Deserve me this is a big step. I deserve the best.
March 2009
Normally the next few days for a course almost to oblivion was and what happened, I even read the material or do any exercise. But since yesterday there was something inside of me telling me it was time to. I took the material from the same bag that was since Saturday and I have read some articles and practiced a little. I can not exactly say specific things, only I have the feeling that everything was perfect: weather, people, food, the content, what he said all will…
The most revealing of the course for me was realizing that you really deserve to have not only desires, but these come true. Until now I thought that God's will and mine were different, but they are not only a, but my desires, whatever, they are right because God is in my mind, and that is the only mind that I think. And when I forget, as I served to remind me that I had forgotten.
Everything that receipt is well, and all persons, love me or not, they have something valuable to tell me. From that I realized as one of the people spoke of something that, Supposedly, not interested in me; then I took the surprise that itself was important for me.
A few weeks ago I am beginning to understand what it means “freedom”, and it is a feeling that I experience again and again when I breathe and I'm near you.
I thank you deeply to share their knowledge and to support the happiness of the / as other / as.
Feb 2009
How wonderful the workshop… There are no words to express what is happening inside of me, or perhaps… I woke up with a word in my heart, in my thoughts and on my lips that is “Santhosa”, Word of Sanskrit origin which is usually translated as “joy” and representing the “inner contentment”, a “State of recognition” and “Permanent thank” that does not depend on external factors, but which originates in the deeper and more authentic of our being and, from there, expands us around.
Last night, While he was returning home, very magical things happened... My gratitude towards life and towards you, that both have given me, is immense and wanted to pass it to you. The best gift! I guess that now my breaths will more fluid because I'm willing to not wanting to control both and Yes to let flow.
Nov 2008
I have received individual sessions, sessions in Group and I've done seminars and everything is a step to your identity, AWARENESS HIGH IS TO CHECK THAT YOU CAN BE HAPPY.
I liked your way of working and developing the seminar, being, course, I love the rebirthing. So El chapo, and I see that it is a very powerful tool, the most powerful I have known me so far without the use of substances outside the body (drugs or power plants).
Nov 2006
Nativity, I am delighted, It was magical, the words came every one in a timely. Very intense, but made me short. The energy that moves between people like that have shared it and huge confidence is amazing, Security, value and support that give you.
The Renaissance has made me remember that I live because I breathe. It has made me to know that there is a way to listen inside me in a gentle and loving way. It has provided me with simple tools to deal with anything in my daily life, simply taking advantage of the wonderful air that always surrounds me. Something as simple as breathing!. I've learned to appreciate everything that I have and it gives me life. I would have never imagined that the appreciation would make me so happy and so conscious of everything around me.
The Renaissance I brought to a God that unknown and now I feel whenever I breathe. It has helped me to feel that I want in a pure way, loving and close to me, because we are truly one. When breath can feel beside me who I love.
Physically I have discovered that I can take more air which had never taken. Air is a wonderful gift which we have at all times. Now I breathe and I'm happy.
A kiss, S.
Often in life we seek solutions to our problems, (…). I was looking for something that would make me feel better (…).
In summary, was looking for something more, my heart it looked with anxiety, and I found a good day. AND SAY WHAT I FOUND (…)
There is a universal first that says "things come solo, When is our time, When we are ready". I think it was so, was my moment, work me, breathing, rediscover me towards the infinite, or as says Natividad Jimenez, My rebirther, a "way of developing progressive forward" (…)
With Rebirthing, develop yourself, DEVELOP ALL: release the past, learn from you, other people's, you enter a contact intimate and particular with your higher self, and especially to see the path of God here and now.
Thank you for the wonderful seminar you gave, Thank you for being such a good professional, Thank you for teaching us with your experiences that any human being can achieve your wildest dreams, Thank you for proposing a more beautiful world, Thank you for sharing your emotions with us and thank you for your excellent work human and divine.
Thank you also for the healing that you created of our bodies, minds and spirits.Thank you for being a fan of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for having this ability of empathy with those who open you heart. Thank you for being so honest and thank you for showing us your inner girl so careful and so well treated so eager to share and enjoy.
Thank you for your Audible laughter, your dance and the expression of desire to be happy of your vulnerable eyes.
In a Word, Thank you. You deserve it and remember you're not only a miracle, but you also do that others discover "miracles" that are.
An encounter with you is always so rewarding. Thank you.
You don't know how much I moved (positive and pleasantly), the question of the time.
My god!, What discovery!. Suddenly it has been to find the piece of the puzzle that was missing. Had nothing to do with the amount of activities that take place, but with my own sense of scarcity of time. I grew up listening to that you had to take advantage of the time, not to be missed time, as if were a precious commodity that abate. Time poverty have.
Thank you once again, I am so happy with this discovery, I feel so deep that it will be an important change.
I am writing this note with much love, to thank you for your seminar. It came at a time when he needed to clarify many things.
You have given me much material to work during good weather. Again thank you and I wish you the best.
With much love.
For my has been the greatest discovery I've ever had in my life. It's like I've truly found God.
During the days 23 and 24 in October I had the great honour to participate as an Assistant in the seminar that about "Breathing and sexuality" led in Tenerife, Natividad Jimenez Saavedra.
Apart from the beautiful thing was to breathe again the spring air in the autumn, from here, I want to recognize Natividad for his dedication and his firm and deep commitment with the Rebirthing as a path of personal transformation. Is a teacher who teaches what you want to learn from the experience, so all who were at the seminar, We had an intense and transformative experience, and from here I want to thank Natividad, to all participants and attendees and the teacher that always takes me there where I have to be, Although I still resist. In peace and innocence,
Jose D. García Chinea
My personal experience has been really successful and I am very grateful that this method has crossed my path.- July 2018
Lucía García Morales
retired teacher
This program 9 months has allowed me to internalize aspects and worked, see them in greater depth and value from another perspective. It has been a very interesting job and relaxed. I feel very grateful. If you want to move forward in your search for who you really are and what your relationship with you and with others, I recommend it to you.
Jose Alberto Gonzalez Fajardo
Two hours each session represent a halt in my daily dynamics, one become aware of the important issues to my path, check the present time, one free of loads and stresses, an energy recharge, a sharing with committed people, relaxing moments ... The price is unbeatable and comfortable space. simple tools are acquired and very practical, based on breathing and creative thinking. The last issue that we addressed was "Personal Leadership", masterfully led by Natividad Jiménez.
Carlos Rodriguez Marrero
A discovery about the power of breathing. Become aware of the different emotional states through breathing is something that, sincerely, It has cost me a great discovery. thanks Natividad.
Aragon Carmen Montelongo
Breathing for me has meant a before and after. Become aware that I am not my thoughts, inspire confidence and exhaling fears and doubts is liberating. Work slowly in each of the areas of personal development, It makes me go lighter luggage ...
Maria Gil Goya
To me breathing has helped me a lot. Severe asthma was diagnosed and since I learned the method, around the year 2012, I have not returned to go to the emergency room ... August 2018
Conchi Hernandez Molina
Rebirthing for me has been a profound transformation, an awakening to Consciousness, my great personal revolution ... has brought me energy, purpose, satisfaction and inner strength in times of trouble.- July 2018
Irmainés Romero Bermudez
It has been a great help to overcome my separation smoothly, without pain, without victimhood, increasing my level of consciousness,... especially through breathing.