
Renacedores professional training

Renacedores professional training">Renacedores professional training

Registration is now open! Take advantage of the price of registration early to the! 1 in January of 2022! Ask for deferred payment methods! ¡Comenzamos en enero de 2022! PRESENTATION AND OBJECTIVES The Canarian School of Respiration, en su compromiso por expandir la importancia de la respiración y de la consciencia y gestión del...

Full training program

EL PROGRAMA DETALLADO DEL 1er CICLO DEL CURSO DE FORMACIÓN Próximamente pondremos las fechas de cada fin de semana 1. THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE RENAISSANCE: CONSCIOUS BREATHING AND MANAGEMENT OF THOUGHT AND EMOTIONS - OCTOBER 2021 – Origin and history of the Renaissance: What is the Renaissance? What it is? Renaissance regressive and progressive….


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