Activities Calendar

23 Jun's 2023 - time: 18:00 - Tacoronte

Clase Especial de Respiración
En esta ocasión en Tacoronte

facilitated by Natividad Jimenez.

2 class hours, teórica y práctica, donde conocerás la técnica y en la que practicarás lo aprendido.

El Renacimiento o Rebirthing es un poderoso instrumento de desarrollo personal que utiliza 2 recursos internos que todos poseemos: The conscious connected breathing and the CREATIVE THINKING as fundamental elements of the work.

Es una oportunidad para personas con o sin experiencia y también si tienes curiosidad por conocer la técnica.

Do you dare to come?
Read some testimonials after the brochure!


¿Para qué RESPIRAR?

  1. It goes away the stress and tension
  2. It increases the energy and endurance.
  3. We master our emotions.
  4. It prevents and cures physical problems.
  5. It relieves pain, focusing on feelings rather than fight against them.
  6. It improves mental concentration and physical performance.
  7. Facilitates the transformation psycho-spiritual.
  8. It completely cleans the physical body.

Cuando sintamos fatiga o cualquier trastorno energético la primera cuestión que deberemos mirar es nuestra forma de respirar
.- Dr. Sheldon Saul Hendler

¿Cuándo es más importante

It is especially useful if your life is in transition, in a period of change, or if you're looking for more satisfaction or resolution in any area of your life.

From my own experience, de más de 30 years, the Rebirthing o Renaissance viene muy bien para convivir con nuestras emociones y aprender a gestionarlas, for cases of insomnia or ASTHMA, In times of change (separations, change of marital status, Home, muertes de familiares…), cuando se mueve en nuestra vida aquello que es conocido y nos adentramos en zonas de “fear”. It is also very convenient to simply MEDITATE y entrar en estados de paz e, even, de éxtasis. I enjoy a lot with my breath!

¡Tú también puedes!

Sign up as soon as possible!
636 10 57 70 (Tel o whatsaap)

Si te decides, te estaremos esperando con mucho cariño y con toda nuestra experiencia y, si necesitas más información, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros.
¡Estamos a tu servicio!
School breathing Canaria
Director: Nativity jimenez_636 105 770

Some testimonials:

It has meant learning that breath is not only catch and release air. He aprendido que la respiración es el control de la energía y mi superación como persona día a día y con los míos.- Agustin Acevedo

He has been very productive and interesting. When I commented to my friends and family who came to this workshop of breathing, They told me "I already know to breathe", "I don't need to go". The first thing we do to choose to live in "3D" is breathing and also, pero el CÓMO lo hacemos es un resultado del camino de evolución espiritual que elegimos.- Eunice Encinoso

I very much enjoyed this course, I am surprised how you can control the emotions and the power of thought when it comes to playing them. I think that many problems of current people, they are in these uncontrolled and dominating emotions, It's a shame that this does not reach everyone! It would change people's lives, con una herramienta tan barata y al alcance como es la Respiración.- Margarita Hdez

It has been very liberating break my prejudices towards what I thought perhaps was going to be one technique of many that I have tried and have left me with a sense of indifference. I was surprised very much what I felt and check that I don't already feel fear "losing control". I feel joy. Thank you!!!!! – Maria Perez Cerda

I wonder, as with the evidence that I've had and is still manifest, es posible que aún deconfíe o sienta miedo ni siquiera un segundo en mi vida.- Eva Darias

After each session of breathing, el resto del día te encuentras muy relajado y esa noche el cuerpo descansa y se duerme profundamente.- Jose Humberto Simbula_pizzero

The Renaissance has made me remember that I live because I breathe. It has made me to know that there is a way to listen inside me in a gentle and loving way. It has provided me with simple tools to deal with anything in my daily life, simply taking advantage of the wonderful air that always surrounds me. Something as simple as breathing! I've learned to appreciate everything that I have and it gives me life. I would have never imagined that the appreciation would make me so happy and so conscious of everything around me. The Renaissance I brought to a God that unknown and now I feel whenever I breathe. It has helped me to feel that I want in a pure way, loving and close to me, because we are truly one. When breath can feel beside me who I love. Physically I have discovered that I can take more air which had never taken. Air is a wonderful gift which we have at all times. Ahora respiro y soy feliz.- Sonia

For my has been the greatest discovery I've ever had in my life. Es como que en verdad he encontrado a Dios.- Carlos Malagon

Often in life we seek solutions to our problems, (…). I was looking for something that would make me feel better (…). In summary, was looking for something more, my heart it looked with anxiety, and I found a good day. AND SAY WHAT I FOUND (…). There is a universal first that says "things come solo, When is our time, When we are ready". I think it was so, was my moment, work me, breathing, rediscover me towards the infinite, or as says Natividad Jimenez, My rebirther, a "way of developing progressive forward" (…). With Rebirthing, develop yourself, DEVELOP ALL: release the past, learn from you, other people's, you enter a contact intimate and particular with your higher self, y sobre todo ves el camino de Dios Aquí y Ahora.- Gaby


Respirar es AHORA más importante que nunca, para estar en el equilibrio que necesitamos para enfrentar estos tiempos inciertos. La incertidumbre está siempre presente, pero AHORA parece más evidente
In addition, si nos dejamos invadir por el miedo, nuestro sistema inmunitario se debilita y esto impide que las cosas buenas lleguen a nuestra vida. RECUERDA lo importante que es mantenerte en conexión con TU FUENTE.

¡Ven a RESPIRAR con nosotros!

¡Las plazas son reducidas!
Reserva, Please, la tuya cuanto antes:
Tel, whatsaap o telegram: 636 10 57 70


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