Activities Calendar

20 in may of 2023 - time: 10:00 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife

La autoestima es la capacidad de love yourself, know what you need and dare to ask. A good self-esteem allows us to make our dreams come true and gives us the confidence to persist in the moments of difficulty.

Taller basado en el Project International of self-esteem, created by Bob Mandel y conducido por Natividad Jiménez, certificada personalmente por Bob en EEUU.

Después del folleto tienes más información y TESTIMONIOS de algunos de nuestros alumnos:



Señales que nos indican que nuestra autoestima puede mejorar:

– Te cuesta decir NO cuando quieres decir NO.
– Necesitas la aprobación de los demás.
– Complaces a los demás, incluso cuando te gustaría hacer o decir otra cosa.
– Estás resentido con otras personas por cosas del pasado.
– Tu cuerpo está con dolores.
– Siempre piensas primero en qué pensarán los demás…
– Tu diálogo interno NO es amoroso.
– Juzgas con frecuencia a ti y a otros.
– Your emotions direct your life.
– Your mind torments you…


What is the International Self-Esteem Project – PIA?

Bob Mandel He founded the international project of self-esteem in the year 1997. In a State of deep meditation, a question arose when Bob: What you would do if you could only do one thing to improve the world? and the response was to create the PIA, and the Mission for the project: help raise the self-esteem of every man, woman and child on the planet.

the Project International of self-esteem It is a way of seeing life and a program to raise awareness in terms of what it means to "human being". The lack of self-esteem is one of the main determinants of many of the problems of our lives. Enhance self-esteem can help any person to live a successful life, satisfying and full of meaning. We all have unique talents and gifts, a huge potential and a great desire to help others. The PIA helps to take that potential we already possess and put it in a positive and successful action, through projects which are in resonance with our own heart beat.

the Project International of self-esteem is committed to helping children, couples, individuals and companies in the development of their spiritual esteem and contribute to the evolution of consciousness on the planet. It is a philosophy.

PIA is an expression of the best of the human being. His vision of humanity living in self-respect and tolerance provides a very timely message to today's world.. Its mission has already caused effect on the lives of thousands of people, include school children, teachers, parents, mothers and professionals from many fields.

If this interests you, We encourage you enroll.
You deserve it!

Who is Bob Mandel?

Bob MandelBob Mandel is a world-renowned spiritual leader, Professor, coach and author. It has helped many thousands of people around the world to achieve their full potential. Bob is a powerful and gentle leader, Open, with humor, full of wisdom, intuition, information and inspiration. Don't miss this opportunity of being in his presence and to stop hide you from your wonderful be.


Some testimonies from our students

An excellent seminar, much profit with total integration of the Group, very well prepared and taught. Congratulations! M ª Nieves Rodriguez - Renacedora - November 2013

FANTASTIC! Delivered with all love, simplicity and humility. To repeat. Thank you. Pilar Acosta - masseuse - November 2013

I liked the workshop. It has been useful to me, well Pitchfork and key concepts with emotions. Super attendees and the rapporteur. A very practical and very emotional workshop. Perfect. Thank you. Héctor Díaz - electrician - November 2013

He has been to discover the tip of an iceberg of precious, He did not know their existence. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Rafael Díez - November 2013

It has been found me on the road, feel the energy and love in the oneness. I've realized that I want more than I thought, but I must continue working many parts still unclosed. Lots of energy, love and peace I have found. Mónica Dorta - November 2013

Guauuu!!! A very complete workshop, very well organized. I liked very much the combination of practical and theoretical. I applaud Tino their knowledge be, your speaking ability, by their seriousness and involvement in the project and its fun spark. It has inspired me some of your comments for possible artistic challenges J thanks. Leticia Piñero Rodríguez - teaching - November 2013

The rapporteur I liked, a man who knows how to convey affection. For me it has meant a new beginning in my life. I feel calm and peaceful. Congratulations Tino. Thanks to fellow at work. Álvaro Rodríguez – Teacher – February 2014

This workshop has been a space to connect with myself and my strength. Very grateful to share this experience with all my colleagues, learning and living. Concha Hernández – Counselor – February 2014

I thought it was a very positive workshop, I particularly helped me much, congratulations to the whole group and especially to Professor and Jessica. Thank you. Elba Delgado Ramos – Clerk/Administrative – February 2014

I liked. In general I think that it has been dynamic and enriching. Breathing, very important. Luis Miguel Núñez – February 2014

The cycle has been an existential gift, I have gone through the sessions with intensity, learning, growing, questioning me, I have crossed the roads with love, recognizing my darkest part and my most sacred part...As always, discovering myself and knowing myself united with EVERYTHING, a la FUENTE universal. Conchi Molina – Educadora – Diciembre 2016

El taller de hoy nos ha aportado pautas y herramientas para mejorar la autoestima. Lo que más me ha gustado es la experiencia del docente y la metodología aplicada en cada encuentro, haciéndolo muy participativo, y por supuesto la sesión de respiración, que ayuda en todo proceso de aprendizaje. Noemí Villaquirán – Delegada de ventas – Enero 2018

Gratitud y alegría por haber participado, un encuentro magnifico donde te ves, te observas y puedes ver tu mundo con otros ojos. Un acercarte hacia tu interior, sin juicios, una satisfacción enorme estar, compartir y darme la posibilidad de seguir aprendiendo en la escuela de la vida (BREATHING). Conchi – Educadora – Enero 2018

Para mí este curso está significando un avance en mi crecimiento interior, aumento de mi autoestima y sentimiento de felicidad en mi día a día, estoy muy contenta y agradecida de participar. Irmainés Romero – Odontóloga – Enero 2018

By clicking HERE You can see a video that made one of our students.

The members of the School breathing Canaria self esteem we have worked for years and we practice what we teach among us and in our own lives. We want to share the Project International of self-esteem in our environment to build authentic relationships, more loving and respectful.

We will see!
You can sign up here itself!!

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