Activities Calendar

19 Aug's 2022 - time: 16:00 -

Take a few days for you!

Sign up as soon as possible!
The seats are very small!!

You'll love!

Llevamos años organizando retiros y campamentos en verano, y nuestros alumnos repiten… cada año trabajamos un tema diferente, and always we are wonderfully well!

Read more testimonials from other years!

En este retiro podrás renovar tu mente, conectar con tu interior, relajarte y descansar de verdad.

  • Nos enfocaremos en el tema de la MAESTRIA de tu cuerpo y de tu energía, sobre cómo mantenerte en unas condiciones óptimas para vivir de una manera plena, todo el tiempo que tú decidas, en tu cuerpo físico.
  • Profundizaremos en uno de los temas más fascinantes dentro del Rebirthing: la Inmortalidad Física.
  • Será una convivencia intensiva en un lugar de montaña precioso, en plena naturaleza.
  • Trabajaremos con los CINCO elementos.
  • There will be possibility of breathing in water, Earth and fire.
  • La alimentación será ovo-lacto vegetariana y muy sabrosa.

Descansa, reflexiona, medita y saborea la fuente de paz en tu propia mente. Así puedes volver a casa con métodos prácticos que te harán sentir inspirado y con energía para afrontar nuevos retos en tu vida.

¡Te invito a hacer unas vacaciones diferentes!
¡Inscríbete cuanto antes por favor!

And then, with daily practice , You learn to keep your mind young, to cultivate flexibility, rekindle the sexual energy, strengthen the immune system and change your perceptions. And you observe both physical and emotional improvements.

If we want to help make a different holiday, I invite you to sign up as soon as possible.
With all my love, Natividad Jimenez

The body and mind are one. When the close relationship between disturbed, and entropy aging is accelerated but if integration is reset regeneration effect is generated. You can renew your mind and body, and reverse the aging process, through conscious breathing and movement techniques.- Deepack Chopra

A few days off from your daily life, Your responsibilities, in beautiful surroundings, apacible and inspiring.

Renuévateand fill yourself with energy and vitality.

TESTIMONIALS from other years:

  • Un retiro estupendo. Si quieres regalarte unas buenas vacaciones dedicándote a ti , learning to nourish yourself with healthy habits for your daily life, with lots of goodies to take home and keep practicing. Very nutritious and loving. Much welfare and enjoyment. Laura Cardenes Navarro - pharmaceutical
  • It has been a life expectancy better for me. It is me that I am the best thing that has been able to happen!! Mary Luz - retired teacher
  • A gift for the soul and the body. The integration of both has been pleasant and easy. Montse Ruiz - Renacedora and designer.
  • Thank you for the experience and vivid moments. Thank you for helping me resolve issues believed to have exceeded. Carmen Delia Bethencourt Falero - teaching
  • The retreat has been a great gift to me, a space to share, assist me, pamper me and traveling to the inside, discovering a new way to focus my life. Jessica López - shift manager
  • For me it has been the continuation of my inner self-care. It is the home of my falling in love and forgiveness inside. Agueda Perera
  • It has been an extraordinary experience, a balm for my mind, body and soul. Heart I recommend it to anyone wishing to be nurtured and recharge batteries. As always, exquisitely organized. Candelaria González - social worker
  • I am very grateful for this retreat. It has very well come me at this time of my life. I was delighted and I have had a great. Many thanks. Yolanda González - mother of six.

Dado que tenemos que contratar el espacio y organizar los temas de alimentación, si estás interesado/a en participar,
ponte en contacto con nosotros cuanto antes, Please

Información y reserva de plazas:
School breathing Canaria

Director: Natividad Jimenez
Phone: (+34) 636 105 770

more reserves are not supported for this event.


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