Activities Calendar

17 Oct's 2024 - time: 17:30 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Canaria of robbing schooln lleva más de diez años ofreciendo este programa con un éxito avalado por la cantidad de graduados satisfechos.

SERÁN 10 sessions. De esta forma esperamos que instales en tu vida el hábito sano de respirar por lo menos UNA vez a la semana. Comenzamos el jueves, 17 October, y finalizaremos el jueves, 19 of December. Here the brochure and offter the brochure You can see a video He has done one of our students and several testimonies that have left us.

By clicking HERE You can see a video that made one of our students.

"In the" Rebirthing (or Renaissance) We teach you how to breathe with a breathing rhythm/connected, joining the inspiration with the exhalation in a continuous cycle, so there is no pause between inhale and exhale.

When is breathing completely relaxed, the vital breath moves through the human body as a healing agent.

Our mental and emotional blockages normally prevent the pure energy of life between us that transformative way, but by learning to relax in our breath, Energy purifies and cleans the nervous system, the circulatory system and all our organs.

The pattern of withstand voltage and resistance to life, incorporated into the majority of persons breathing pattern, It originates in the crucial first moment of life, at birth. For this reason, our respiratory mechanism should be restored to its original integrity". Leonard Orr, creator of the Rebirthing

A cycle of sessions are 10 sessions two-hour, We will regularly and which will allow you to renew your entire system and learn to breathe so you can have this support in your day to day, at home and where you want you will get.

Y en este CICLO nos enfocaremos en The 10 pasos para desarrollar la Autoestima Of the Project International of self-esteem.

And here you can read some of the testimonies that have left us:

I think that the annual programmes give the possibility of creating "group" and "family", which is a great support to have consistency in the creation of habits, to grow and have a good relationship with one's self. Trinidad Muñoz, Teaching.

Thank you so much. This program has helped me to deepen my own, to develop more and more my self-esteem and has produced in me a greater well-being, gratitude and peace. Devadasi, rebirther

This course is one of the greatest gifts I received. The mode do so month-to-month has allowed me to consolidate what was learned in each trip. Infinitely grateful. Ana Moreno, Promotion and marketing.

Group work is very rewarding, respect for all views. I consider it very positive that the breathing exercises are the basis. Rosi Alonso, Social services technician.

What is the international project of self-esteem – PIA?

Bob Mandel He founded the international project of self-esteem in the year 1997. In a State of deep meditation, a question arose when Bob: What you would do if you could only do one thing to improve the world? and the response was to create the PIA, and the Mission for the project: help raise the self-esteem of every man, woman and child on the planet.

the Project International of self-esteem It is a way of seeing life and a program to raise awareness in terms of what it means to "human being". The lack of self-esteem is one of the main determinants of many of the problems of our lives. Enhance self-esteem can help any person to live a successful life, satisfying and full of meaning. We all have unique talents and gifts, a huge potential and a great desire to help others. the PIA ayuda a tomar ese potencial que ya poseemos y ponerlo en acción positiva y exitosa, through projects which are in resonance with our own heart beat.

the Project International of self-esteem is committed to helping children, couples, individuals and companies in the development of their spiritual esteem and contribute to the evolution of consciousness on the planet. It is a philosophy.

the PIA es una expresión de lo mejor del ser humano. His vision of humanity living in self-respect and tolerance provides a very timely message to today's world.. Its mission has already caused effect on the lives of thousands of people, include school children, teachers, parents, mothers and professionals from many fields.

If this interests you, We encourage you enroll.
You deserve it!

Who is Bob Mandel?

Bob MandelBob Mandel ha sido un líder espiritual de renombre mundial, Professor, coach and author. It has helped many thousands of people around the world to achieve their full potential. Bob ha sido un maestro poderoso y gentil, Open, with humor, full of wisdom, intuition, information and inspiration.

The members of the School breathing Canaria We have worked directly with Bob for years and take his teachings to practice among us and in our own lives. We want to share the Project International of self-esteem in our environment to build authentic relationships, more loving and respectful.

Bob ha hecho su transición el 7 de julio del presente año y, con este curso, In addition, queremos mostrar nuestra honra y respeto hacia su vida y su trabajo¡Ojalá sus enseñanzas se expandan y podamos vivir una vida más consciente y llena de amor!

Te esperamo!S!
Call us or send us an email resrvando your plaza!!
636 10 57 70 –

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