the Breathing lessons people who need to improve their breathing capacity and / or your breathing are directed. Ahora también OnLine
Each class lasts One hour and in it the / the student / a learn by graphs and practical exercises where your greatest difficulties and how to overcome them.
These classes have been helpful for people who have trouble sleeping, persomas diagnosticadas con asma severa, musicians playing wind instruments, people how much they breathe very little do they…
To book your class, Giving me a call: 636 10 57 70 – Nativity
Which is a individual session of Renaissance o Rebirthing?
It is a concerted class between the person (who we call customer o student) and the professional of breathing consciously or RENACEDOR, with an approximate duration of about two hours. Ahora también OnLine
Usually, a session is divided into three phases:
1. In the first, there is a dialogue between professional (RENACEDOR) and student, where the student explains what has led him to ask a question breathing. The renacedor exposes two tools with which we work (conscious connected breathing and mental reprogramming techniques) and how is going to be how to breathe, What can feel,etc. Any doubt is resolved.
2. The second phase, approximately one hour, is the practice of breathing.
3. In the third, there is another space for dialogue and sharing of experience, It aimed at the integration and completion of the session and the establishment of the suggested exercises until the next session.
Usually between phases one and two limiting thought patterns are discovered. In phase three the rebirther propose strategies for the student to choose the one that seems most appropriate in order to find the improvement you're looking at your present.
The School breathing Canaria He has created a BREATHING PROGRAM GROUP SESSIONS. In this way we want to be able to provide you the respiratory habit. This is very important and the most difficult to get.
The benefits of CONSCIOUS CONNECTED BREATHING They are multiple, but they can not be without practice. Take it like going to meditate once a week. In fact It is a meditation and clean your energy field ....
How many times a week are you in stressful situations, sadness or anger?
A session allows you to recharge energy, and return to the present moment, Drop your burdens of the week ...
Cheer up, It will produce excellent results and you feel very well!
To participate in this group, it is necessary that you have practiced breathing technique.
If you have no previous experience:
- You can take a session individual or,
- Please let us know, you put on a list and, as soon as a small group is formed, We will call you for a session initiation.
And from here you can already enter the group BREATHING.
During the summer, We provide the possibility of Breathe in the Nature.
In order to participate in these sessions, It is necessary to previously request it at school.
(only for people with practice)
of 17 to 20 hours.
(snack included)
To begin you must sign up and book your place!
Limited places!
*** In July alone, August and september ***

School breathing Canaria
Director: Natividad Jimenez
Phone: 636 105 770