About: Agustin Hernandez Evora

Quien_TinoAgustin Hernandez Evora was born and lived in Caracas, Venezuela, up to 1968 when their parents, Canarian emigrants, they decided to return to Tenerife where he has lived since then.

Degree in English Philology by the University of La Laguna (Tenerife), He has worked in public education from 1984. Since then it has continued to expand its training in different aspects of the methodology of teaching foreign languages and has participated in several international programs of school exchange within different programmes of the European Union. Due to his interest in improving the climate of coexistence in the classroom and support students in their global development as individuals, It has made mediation and conflict resolution courses, social competence and social skills.

in the year 1998, After crossing a major personal crisis, He made the Camino de Santiago and from there, due to his curiosity, He began a new career that led him to explore the world of personal development. in the year 2000 for the first time he attended a seminar of Rebirthing taught by Natividad Jimenez, who thereafter became her teacher and friend. After participating in many workshops on diverse subjects made the renacedor training in the first class of the Canaria School of breathing (2002-2003) directed by Natividad Jimenez and has been tutor and coordinator of tutors in the following two formations respectively.

In the 2004 and the 2005 started in the first two levels of Reiki (Usui System of Natural Healing) from the hand of the maestro Guillermo Tello. Since then practice this discipline that feels that it integrates perfectly with the of the Rebirthing in your everyday life.

Between 2007 and 2009 It went through some serious health problems which ensures to have survived, both physically and mentally, Thanks to the practice of breathing, to work with their thoughts and Reiki. It was during this time when he began taking seminars with Bob Mandel, one of the most recognized current leaders of the Rebirthing and personal development, in Girona and Barcelona. In August of 2010 He participated in a programme of personal development and training professional self-esteem and breathing in water by Bob in Connecticut (USA) it accredits him as facilitator for the international program of self-esteem. Since then it has been part of teams of the seminars that Bob has taught in Tenerife.

He has also worked with other renacedores recognized as Silvia Jastram, Maria Luisa Becerra, Manuel Rodríguez and Manuel Atienza. He is a member of the Collective Renacedores in the Canary Islands and IBF (International Brathwork Foundation).

Currently feels very attracted by the theme of leadership. In August of 2013 made a Horizontal leadership course in Girona, an innovative concept you are interested to apply it in the work of teams.

Augustine you really like travel and contact with nature. Enjoy much music, dancing, painting and arts in general. He says that he would like to contribute, through their work and the things that he likes and passionate, to create spaces for security where can people develop consciously their full potential, to live happily and to contribute to the care and conservation of our planet and all creatures that inhabit.

It currently gives individual sessions of Renaissance and teaches through the Canaria School of breathing. He is the Coordinator, for the school, the annual work programme of self-esteem.


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